Sunday, February 24, 2008

At least my stomach is happy

So I just wanted to take a moment to let you all know that I am eating extremely well right now and I forgot just how delicious and fabulous the homecooked vegan meals that we cook are.

Yesterday for dinner, I ate a homemade black bean burger, on a bun with tomato, lettuce, and ketchup (the organic, aka the "real sugar" instead of "high fructose corn syrup" stuff...SO superior). It was delicious. was even better today for lunch when I had the burger chopped into pieces, in a pita, with some roasted red pepper hummus. Yum yum yum! And James ate a TON of it, so I'm not the only one who thought it was perfection.

And then for dinner we had my absolute favorite and incredibly easy slow cooker veggie stew, with cranberry muffins that I just made for the very first time. And can I just say they are AMAZING? Because they really are.

I wish I had taken pictures. But I was too mesmerized by the deliciousness.

I feel so satisfied now. I forgot how unsatisfied meat food dishes leave me sometimes. Mmm vegan.

Have I piqued your interest or subverted your paradigm yet? No? Well, then stay tuned! See you next time...


At 9:45 PM, Blogger rach cortest said...


Vegetarian is different, but the vegans that i know do not eat cooked vegetables, only raw, so that is why I was concerned. Yes, that sounds excellent. I LOVE balck beans. love,rachel

At 10:52 PM, Blogger rach cortest said...

Actually I love BLACK beans. I am not familiar with the forementioned balck beans. love you guys, rachel

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Laura said...

You're so inspirational, you actually cook! :) I'm hoping I can become a cooker in my next life!

At 11:14 AM, Blogger gwen said...

Sounds yummy! Hopefully we can see you all sometime soon.

At 4:09 PM, Blogger OUWxGuesser said...

I'm with Ben and James om this one... more meat and cheese the merrier in my book!


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