Gardenyarter Bijeeto
So, I know it's been approximately forever since my last post. What can I say? We have no internet and we're too unmotivated to work on finding another source for getting it. (Which is to say, we're too lazy to talk to AT&T and find out if we can get that cell phone internet thing.)
Also, every post I've thought about posting has just not been as fun and exciting as I would want. But, at the same time, I didn't want to explain to anyone about Gardenyarter just yet. But now I can!
What the heck is Gardenyarter, you ask? Well, this is how it goes around here:
James: Mommy, what's my baby's name?
Mommy: Well, we don't know yet, honey.
James: Yes, you do! What is it?
Mommy: Um, I don't know. Is it...Ethan? Is it...Elena?
James: No, no, no! I know what it is! It's Gardenyarter Bijeeto.
And that right there is how sibling rivalry begins.
The baby will be here in April, by the way! And probably not be named any of the above. But no promises.