I can't HEAR YOU!
No, seriously.
Today I am deaf in my right ear. I feel like someone shoved a giant cork in the right side of my head, though, so I imagine that's not really what it feels like to be deaf.
This is a major improvement over yesterday afternoon and last night, when I had stabbing pains in that ear all night long. Thank you, crazy horrible congestion-y disgusting thing, for making my life miserable for a whole week, and now for giving me an ear infection as well.
Seriously? An ear infection? When was the last time I had one of those? Have I EVER had one of those before? I keep hearing this buzzing noise, vroom vroom vroom vroom, and that's all. It is so freaky. Ugh.
But don't worry: I went to the doctor today. Unfortunately, antibiotics? Don't help with the pain and throbbing for another couple of days. D'oh!