Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Worst moment of the last week: On the plane, when we started to takeoff and James looked out the window and said, "Bye-bye, Raleigh" in the saddest voice EVER, and then started asking to go home, Mama, wanna go home NOW, and I knew that was never gonna happen but try to explain that to a two-year-old.

Best: This morning James woke up and said, "MAAAAAAAAAAA-MMMMAAAAAA...." and I said, "Yes, James?" And he said "I love me my mama."

So I guess I've been forgiven.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

We made it!

We're at my mom's now. Most of our stuff is crammed into her "office" and we haven't even gotten the sheets on our bed yet, but we made it!

Relieved. Exhausted. More later.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

If you live in Oklahoma...

...and I haven't contacted you yet about us moving back, please don't be offended.

I just realized how many people don't even know we're coming back. And how many others might have heard it or known it's a possibility but not heard from me. So I just wanted to say please don't hold that against us. Our lives are INSANE right now with trying to pack up and get out of here in a VERY short time.

So we'll be in touch. Or you can call us! We're moving this weekend. After that, things should slow down quite a bit. And we can't wait to get to see you! =)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Three reasons why Two is Terrific, not Terrible

Conversation Number One, yesterday afternoon:
James: Hey Mom, I wanna mango Mom.
Me: Okay, honey, here you go.
James: No, not that one Mommy, it's too crazy.

Conversation Number Two, a few nights ago:
James: Daddy! I can't see it! I can't see the moon, Dad. It's too mokesy. (smoky)
(Clouds were covering the moon.)

Conversation Number Three, this evening:
James: I voted!
Me: Oh yeah? Who'd you vote for?
James: Mommy!
Me: You voted for Mommy?
James: Yeah! No. Mommy voted! I go with Daddy, draw in circles! Daddy voted! Jamesy voted!
Me: Yeah! Good for us, we voted!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh, yeah, right, The Pump

So, in the hullabaloo that comes along with lightning-quick moving across the country, I forgot to share with you all the details about my fervent desire to get on the pump.

Namely: I spoke with quite a few Medtronic folks and was THIS close to getting that pump shipped to me when we figured out that our moving date was not November 1 as we originally figured, but instead October 24. In other words, if we're loading up the truck A WEEK FROM TOMORROW (holycowmajorfreakoutmomentdon'tmakemethinkaboutitlalalalalalala...........), I don't exactly have time to get started on the pump properly.

So I'll call the lovely Medtronic people on November 1, which is when our new insurance starts, and we'll start the whole process again. And I WILL be on the pump, soon.

Best of all: I found out that on our new insurance? The pump is FREE!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!!

I generally abhor multiple exclamation marks. They are rarely warranted and often used. But that is truly how I feel about getting a pump, like running around in a circle and screaming my head off with joy and excitement.

So stay tuned. More on the pumping when we get settled in to our new place.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Distracted but still laughing.

Eleven days between today and moving day. It's hard to think of anything else.

At times I'll get a little glimpse of some other topic flashing through my head. But mostly I spend a LOT of time thinking about all the wonderful things about Raleigh. I can't think yet about all the people. I can't mourn the moving yet because I have to get through it first. I can't be really excited about our new life until I get a chance to be sad about leaving this one. It is so hard to leave any place, because there are always great things about it that you can never get back. And Raleigh has been such a wonderful place for us to live as a young family with a small child. And I HATE thinking of losing our friends here.

So I won't.

In other news, my cashier at Whole Foods today was named "Assie." I kid you not. I can't decide if that's worse than Ravyshyng or not, but I did momentarily wonder what Ravyshyng's middle name is...

My life could be so much worse. =)

Friday, October 03, 2008

Living in the Moment

It's Friday night. Three weeks from today, we will be headed to Oklahoma.


If I breathe deeply enough, I can almost convince myself that I feel calm about this. If I remember to take each moment as it comes, to get through one day at a time, and to use all the meditation techniques I have in my arsenal to stop worrying about the future and pining over the past, maybe, just MAYBE, I can get through this without completely flipping out.


We're excited but it's bittersweet. I wish we didn't have to leave here. I hate hate HATE moving. And we love it here. So keep us in your thoughts and prayers. And if you live in North Carolina, come visit us before we're gone! And if you live in Oklahoma...get ready, we're bringin' crazy back!